Premium Trust Account
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Non-Farmers Premium Trust Account

For Non-Farmers Premium Payments

New name, same great benefits!  

We just renamed our Bristol West Premium Trust Account to the “Premium Trust Account” for non-Farmers premium payments.  We hope you like the new name—we know you’ll love the same great benefits.

Are you selling Bristol West, Foremost, or MetLife insurance and accepting cash payments? If so, you already know that you need a separate sweep account to deposit these funds. But you don't need to pay a "big bank" monthly fees for the privilege. The Credit Union has this account...AND IT'S FREE.

With no monthly fee, no minimum balance, and access to over 5,000 branches and over 9,000 ATMs nationwide, this is the hassle-free way to deposit cash premiums.

  • Open your account
  • After opening your account, complete the electronic EFT Authorization form online.
  • Important Information: The Premium Trust Account does not have Overdraft Protection. Debits will be returned unpaid when insufficient funds exist to cover the item. A fee of $30 will apply for each returned item. Please deposit premium payments to your account prior to Bristol West, Foremost, or MetLife making the debit to ensure the timely processing of your customer’s payment.
  • Not available in the state of Utah.